Friday, February 08, 2008

"V" Day

I wont get into that generic "Whats Valentines Day got to do with anything?" rant. Instead I will simply ask.
"In the world we live in where so much attention is put on the effects of personnal image and the debates of the equality of the sexes, Why do we still put so much emphaise on this "Holiday"?"
There is a 2nd question.
"Why does a loved one love you less on this day for not doing anything, in comparison to not loving you more on a day they do something?"
*ie. a gift on any random Thursday for no apparent reason*


swan_pr said...

Thursdays sound good.

whats Vday?

oh. the crappy chocolates and cheap roses?

Blondie said...

This is a classic James post. Did you really think that men and women have come that far? Women still want to be treated special and men still want sex. Of course, we should remember everyday how special each of us is to one another, but sometimes we need a holiday.